
A cobby, four-square cat....
a people cat.....a lap-cat....and....a purring machine on short
sturdy legs.....a ''teddy-bear'' cat .... in fact a proper cat....the
feline friend for life!
British Shorthair cats
make excellent pets, but like most things in life you only get
out what you put in. Lots of love and attention will be repaid
one-hundred fold from these lovely animals.
A compact, well balanced
and powerful cat, showing good depth of body, full broad chest,
short strong legs, rounded paws, thick tail with rounded tip.
Small ears, round cheeks, firm chin, large round and well-opened
eyes and a short broad nose. The coat to be short and dense. All
in all a strong, muscular cat, with an alert appearance.
The rainbow of colours
and patterns in which this cat is now produced is most impressive
considering the humble beginnings. Colours as diverse as white,
black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, tortoise shell, blue-cream
and the latest cinnamon and fawn. All these colours are possible
with the addition of white, resulting in bi and tri- colours.
Patterned cats include the tabby, spotted, colour-pointed and
tipped. Eye colour varies from gold or copper in the self's, bi
and tri-colours, to green in the tipped, blue in the colour-pointed,
and hazel in the black version of the silver tabby and silver
spotted, the rest having gold eyes as their self counterparts.
The blue is still the most popular, closely followed by the Silver
Tabby - thanks in no small measure to the television advertising
campaign running at the time of writing this article. Although
cats are regarded as independent and spend a large amount of their
time asleep or merely resting, they do, on the whole, appreciate
company. The British Shorthair will quite happily live indoors,
a much safer environment for it, but where there is no human company
during the day, due to owners working etc., then it is kinder
to have two cats as company for each other.
The character of these
cats is generally one of a gentle, willing to please, playful
and affectionate companion. They are not noisy cats but will sometimes
engage in conversation with you, especially if it is getting near
to time for them to be fed. They enjoy a game of chase with a
small toy, and some will fetch this back to you for to be thrown
again. They are quite lazy at times and love nothing more than
laying in front of the fire and luxuriating in the warmth.
The general health
of the British Shorthair is good, with no apparent weakness to
affect it. They have a life span of approximately 15 years, some
living to a much riper old age of 20 years. The care of these
cats is just general common sense. They need good quality food
supplied at regular intervals, a bowl of fresh water to be available
at all times. Cats are extremely clean, fastidious animals and
under normal circumstance the most attention that a British Shorthair
cat requires is love - and plenty of it.
A warm bed out of draughts,
should be provided - you will probably find that the type they
prefer are around 24" of the floor and have an area of 4'6
x 6'0 and are usually covered with duvets