Blue Kamino
Pet Name:

Polly is neutered, she likes to trundle around the garden
now and again,
As we do
allow our neuters to play in the garden as long as we are out
there too.
We named
Polly after her breeders prefix, which happens to be her breeders
Polly is
one of our neutered pedigree cats to be shown. However now
In Dec 2005 as an adult Neuter She won the open and came first
second in all her classes.
Feb 2006 she won her open
again and got Best Of Breed. March 2006 Polly won her third Premier
Certificate, making her a Premier (a neutered Champion) At the
SBC show 2007 Polly gained her third Grand Cert Gaining
her Grand Premier Title. She has 3 Imperial certs and 2 reserves,
she hates showing so we do not show her any more.
Click On Her Photo To Read More About Her