While no one actually
admits to being an owner of a Kitten Mill, you can usually spot
them by browsing the classifieds. Sometimes their cats and kittens
can go for as little as £50. Don't be fooled,,, it will
cost you much more than that to take care of the kitten after
getting him/her home ( vet bills for vaccinations antibiotics
creams and other treatment for fleas worms ear mites and worse....diseases
like ring worm FIP, FIV and more)
An ethical breeder has higher costs of rearing the kittens, looking
after both mum and dad for the year and vet bills. I suggest
you avoid these Kitten Mill Breeders like the Plague, if you are
going to buy a cat from someone like that, please get
all the facts. Ask for vet records and do not accept
the, "I can't find them" or the "I usually let the new owners
take care of that" excuse. If they want to raise healthy Cats,
they will have a complete vaccination record (two sets of vaccinations
against cat flu and enteritis) a good healthy diet and good socialisation.
Once you throw that
into the equation, you will find out just what type of breeding
program this person is running. From a reputable breeder expect
to pay between £250 and £600 dependent on colour and
quality of the kitten. People
say: "I want to have an entire cat (meaning not neutered) because
I want the option of having a litter." That statement is actually
very common. Unless you are trying to benefit the breed your only
harming the breed by having more litters. You, in essence, have
become a backyard breeder.
People say: "I want my female cat to have a litter 'cause my vet
says she won't get fat after being spayed'." This is a myth and
nothing more. A healthy diet and exercise will keep your cat well.
(Again a backyard breeder)
People say: "I want my children to learn responsibility and the
wonder of a cat having babies." . If you want your children to
respect life, then take your children to a shelter and watch a
few cats get euthanased. Tell your children that no one wanted
Fluffy because she was old at 2 years old and is not considered
a kitten. Tell your children Patches had to die because some one's
cat wasn't spayed and they had kittens they couldn't find homes
for. Tell your children Tiger had to go to heaven because every
time a person gets a cat from an unethical breeder a shelter cat
dies for lack of home.

On How To Recognise A Kitten Mill / Back Yard Breeder / Unethical
When you talk to people about their kitties there are a few warning
signs when you are dealing with a disreputable, unethical, or
irresponsible breeder:
The "breeder" is more interested in the price your
paying, than the welfare of the animal
The "breeder" lacks knowledge about the breed.
"breeder" shows ignorance or denial of genetic defects in the
The "breeder"
doesn't let you observe the kitten or adults, or let you see the
"breeder" has no vaccination records.
The "breeder"
is not a member of the respective breed club The
cats are not socialised.
cannot tell you how it pains me to hear stories of people wanting
a cheap cat and then the heartache they go through because they
didn't investigate. The owner seemed to really "Care" for her
cats. But now their beloved cat has spinal problems, birth defects,
deformities &/or diseases, the most humane thing to do for
the kitty is to be put to sleep. You've lost not only money, but
now also must suffer the heartache and pain of loosing your loved
kitten. And where is the breeder you got your beloved kitten from?
On the other line telling you "It's not my problem."
- the purchase price is small compared with the costs of looking
after your cat properly over its life. Also remember that it is
estimated that 2 in 5 domestic outdoor cats in London
are infected with either Feline Leukemia or FIV or both - chronic
often fatal conditions which currently can not be cured.