To Mabledon Kitten Page

haveKittens due

you wish to put your name on our waiting list please email me
or if you are interested in visiting our babies when they are
old enough please contact me
politely ask that you do not phone before 9.00am or after 8.45pm
- Thank you ::~
limited the Reservations per litter prior to birth to ensure
that litters are not 'overbooked'. If you'd rather wait
until the kittens are born we do also hold a waiting list,
if any kittens are still available once they have arrived we
will email you to let you know. For further information
on reserving a kitten or to go on our waiting list please email
me here
will only consider a kitten “booked” once a deposit
has been received, which means the kitten is still avaialble
until deposit is received
Recently yet again
we have experienced a number of people who have been waiting
for a kitten to be ready, during this time they have changed
their minds and got a kitten else where as the other kitten
was ready sooner. Which is totally fine with us, However, It
would have been courteous to tell me of their intentions so
I could inform my other interested parties that I Do
have kittens available after all.
In some circumstances
people have arranged to view and failed to turn up and again
did not have the courtesy to let us know. We have a busy schedule
bringing up children, kittens and working too. We cannot afford
to have our time wasted. I know as breeder we are not on our
own in this situation, we all deserve the same courtesy we give
prospective new owners.
Only those who have
paid a deposit or are on our waiting list will be invited in
to our home to view our kittens. I am very sorry but we are
never available just for kitten cuddling sessions for something
to do on a Sunday afternoon.
We are not a cattery
place of business, we breed and show our cats as a hobby, we
do not have opening times, and I will always try to accomodate
any visits where possible However........
Please note; deposits
are non-refundable However I will return deposits if I
am unable to provide you with a suitable
kitten. This is at my discretion as I dont take deposits on
a whim.
I hope you enjoy
the rest of my web site especially the kitties and cat photos.
This is how we make

your cursor over his photo to see how hes grown

many kittens can we get into one photo?



Kittens are completely reared in a homely environment; born
and raised for the first 4-5 weeks in a separate kittening suite
away from the rest of the queens and kittens. After 5 weeks
they are introduced to the kitten playroom, (they still remain
separate from the permanent residents).
of our kittens or queens venture beyond the runs (except my
Neutered cats) and kittens should not venture outside until
settled in his or her new home, However, we prefer new owners
to keep the new kittens indoors all the time. However we do
understand if this is not viable. Keep kitten in for 6 month
then when older A secure cat proofed garden is acceptable. If
not proofed supervised only . An unsecured garden will not suffice.
No cat Flap homes. Sorry.
kittens are Micro chipped, GCCF registered or TICA Registered
and are ready for new homes at 13 weeks of age. They have full
health care and are fully vaccinated against 'cat-flu', enteritis,
and leukemia. The new pentofel Vaccination vaccinates against
Chlamydia too. We provide kitten packs and free insurance (4
weeks). Food, bowls, litter, trays and scoop and other goodies.
(Litter and tray when available) More importantly, we provide
essential info and support the new owners require to settle
and continue to care for their new arrival as we have done for
the past 13 weeks.
Click here for our health care details ::
wonder how much profit we make as breeders,
some cases your question should be IF we make any profit ?
is an interesting link, this can give you an idea where your
money goes
into consideration this article states costs in Dollars, and
written in 1999
costs have increased considerably since then
Article quote
The breeder must pay to register her cattery name with at least
one cat association ($50 for CFA to be paid for a five-year
registration), must register her new breeding queen ($10), and
must register each litter produced ($10). There will be at least
one litter per year and at least one kitten kept and registered
per year thereafter.
is £90+ to register for a prefix, and each kitten costs
£11 to register.
is only with GCCF, more costs incurred if you register with
TICA, as you have to register each adult cat too.
summary we have lots of costs for the above and for fresh chicken
to wean, older food which is top quality specialised variety,
(How much is your average shopping bill for cat food? ask me
how much my biscuit bill is each time I place and order!!)
we buy Cimicat-cat milk, litter, have vet checks, vaccinations,
registrations these are only for the kittens, don't forget we
have the same costs for each cat we own. Also there is the price
of the stud fee £200 minimum, fuel to get to stud, vet
treatment, c-sections £800, X-rays £50 plus consultation
of £28. There are situations where uterus goes into inertia
during birth, so calcium and glucose drips with oxytocin which
is in excess of £100, hospital stays £20 per day,
the list is endless. My vet is very good to me, they take care
of me and my cats wonderfully. So if some vet do not have a
discount set up with their vets they can expect to pay more.
last but not least, the endless nights sleeping on the settee
waiting for kittens to arrive or hand rearing a newborn or two,
its our time confined to house in case the litter arrives unexpected,
its the cost of our time and effort and love which really is
....... Priceless.
not easy...so why do we do it ? ..... take a look at the babies
through out this page and past litters page..........they are
we just love cats!
Click here for our Photos/details of Past Litters ::